Terms of Service


1. General

The following terms of service (hereinafter: ”Terms of Service“) apply to the use of the ”My Eurovision Scoreboard” Mobile Application (hereinafter : the ”App“). To contact the App, please send a mail at: info@myeurovisionscoreboard.com

These services are brought to you by


Pta Academician Caius Iacob 4

310137 Arad, Romania

Please note that these Terms of Service do not apply for the services provided by third party offers (ex: news or odds websites, social media, streaming platforms…) to which the App may link (see clause 4 below, ”Links“).

2. Contents and features

The App provides its users with the following services and features:

a. Eurovision Song Contest related content

The App allows its users to access several lists of participants/songs related to the Eurovision Song Contest, sorted by year, as well as lists of participants/songs from various national selections related to the Eurovision Song Contest. A list contains the participants' names, song titles, pictures and song snippets. The media related to the participants remain the exclusive property of the latter and they can at any time, if they wish so, contact the App for any modification concerning them. These media are accessible to users of the App for illustration purposes only and are not used for any commercial activity surrounding them, as downloading these media via the App is not possible and not allowed.

b. Rating participants

The App allows its users to rate the participants/songs of each list in order to create their personal top and generate it in the form of an image. These results have no official value in the Eurovision Song Contest organized by the EBU (European Broadcasting Union).

c. Following other users in the App

The App also allows its users to find and follow other users within it, in order to check their following’s rankings.

d. Calculating common results

Another feature is the creation of groups of followings in the App, in order to calculate common results. Finally, there is also a global calculation feature including all tops of the App for a specific list.

e. Links to other Eurovision Song Contest related content

The App provides links to other external Eurovision Song Contest related content, such as news, calendar or betting odds websites. The App also provides links to its own pages / accounts on other social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…) or streaming platforms (YouTube, Spotify…).

3. In-App purchases

Most of the features in the App are free for use, but certain content (ex: national selections lists) is subject to an In-App purchase. This content is unlocked without limit of time once the In-App purchase is completed by the user at the displayed price.

Please note that In-App purchases are managed through the Apple iTunes App Store and/or the Google Play Store and require payment accounts on these platforms. For more information, please refer to the In-App purchases policies and In-App purchases terms and conditions of these platforms.

In-App purchases made in the App are bound to the Apple or Google payment account which made the purchase. Content related to a purchase is unlocked for the user account that requested the In-App purchase in the App.

4. Links

The App may contain advertisements and/or links to websites or Internet content, including related websites which are not necessarily owned or operated by EUROSCOREBOARDS. EUROSCOREBOARDS has not reviewed all of the websites to which the App provides access and has no control over these websites. EUROSCOREBOARDS is not responsible for the content or updates of these websites, or any modifications that may be made to them. Nor is it responsible for the confidentiality or other practices of these sites and the fact that it offers such links does not imply that it approves or endorses the material contained on any site to which the link refers, unless it has been duly informed of the illegal nature of the said sites vis-à-vis the applicable legislation. EUROSCOREBOARDS provides these links for your convenience. Consequently, EUROSCOREBOARDS encourages you to familiarize yourself with the conditions of use and practices of the sites to which the links refer. It is also your responsibility to take the necessary precautions to ensure that the links that you select or that your software downloads from these sites are free of viruses, worms, Trojans, faults, time bombs, software bombs or other component of a destructive nature. You agree that EUROSCOREBOARDS is not party to any transaction or contract that you may conclude with a third party.

5. Code of Conduct related to the App use

a. General aspect

You agree to use the App only for lawful purposes and in a manner that does not infringe the rights of others, or limit or impede the use or enjoyment of the App by another person.

b. Respect for privacy and confidentiality

You agree not to collect any personally identifiable information in the App, including the names, photos and data of other user accounts, and not to use for communication purposes the communication systems that the App may provide. You finally agree not to solicit, for commercial purposes, the users of the App.

c. Regulations regarding creation of user accounts

It is strictly forbidden to create user accounts in the App only for the purpose of influencing the ranking of the Community (= the sum of all tops in the App for a given list of participants) by systematically assigning the same points to some participants/songs at the expense of other participants/songs. Even if the results of the App have no official value for the organizers of the Eurovision Song Contest, these rankings are still intended to represent the preferences of a group of people and EUROSCOREBOARDS ensures that these results are not truncated. EUROSCOREBOARDS reserves the right to delete accounts which will be detected as "fakes" (= created for the sole purpose of benefiting certain participants) irreversibly.

d. Regulations regarding rating of participants

It is prohibited to award points to participants by any means other than the App interface provided for this purpose, just as it is prohibited to try to award points other than those provided by the points allocation system implemented in the App. EUROSCOREBOARDS reserves the right to delete accounts which will be detected and considered as fraudulent.

e. Regulations regarding profile pics

It is prohibited to upload profile pics of a sexual or pornographic nature, as well as any other content that could hurt other users or degrade their experience in the App. EUROSCOREBOARDS reserves the right to delete accounts which do not comply.

f. Regulations regarding inappropriate behaviour on social netwoks

EUROSCOREBOARDS reserves the right to delete accounts from people whose behavior towards the App, its team members or related individuals is inappropriate on any social media platform. This includes insulting, threatening, doxxing and anything else that is judged harmful for the targeted individuals. In addition, a legal complaint will be systematically issued to the competent authorities.

6. Intellectual Property

You agree not to use, copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, transmit, broadcast, download, store on any medium, adapt or modify in any way, make available to the public or use in any other way all or part of the content accessible in the App, in particular certain functions to which this App allows access, except for the purposes of personal and non-commercial use. You also agree not to adapt, modify or create a work derived from said content, whatever it is, except for personal and non-commercial use. Reverse engineering the App or developing third party apps that interact with the App are also strictly prohibited.

7. Data protection

The protection of data related to the services made available in the App is subject to the App Privacy Policy, which can be found following the "Policy Privacy" link on the login page of the said App or on the App website: www.myeurovisionscoreboard.com at the bottom of any page. We encourage you to give the Privacy Policy a careful look because, by using our services, you agree that EUROSCOREBOARDS can collect, use and share your information consistent with that policy.

8. Final provisions

The fact that any of the provisions of these Terms of Service, or part of this or these provisions, is or becomes void, will have no effect on the validity of the other provisions of these Terms of Service. Any contractual relationship between you and EUROSCOREBOARDS based on these Terms of Service shall be governed by the laws of Romania without application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.

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